
Keystone Parke

  • Project Type: Office / Mixed Use
  • Project SF: Up to 460,000 SF

About this Project

The 10 acre Keystone Parke is the region’s first LEED certified private office campus in the tri-state. Keystone Parke is home to the Regional Headquarters and Disaster Operations Center of the American Red Cross, TriHealth Rehabilitation Hospital, and a 65,000 SF multi-tenant Class A office building. Additionally, the 120-room Hilton Garden Inn opened in Fall 2018. The last phase of the development will be an up to 150,000 SF Class A office building.

Several grants and outside funding was provided to help move Keystone Parke along. Neyer obtained a $21.5 million TIF for the parking structures and utilities for the overall development. They were also obtained a $1.4 million Job Ready Site Grant to complete infrastructure improvements, including the new interchange at I-71 and Dana Avenue. In addition to the JRS Grant, the City of Cincinnati attained a partial grant from ODPW for streetscape improvements along Dana from I-71 past Xavier University. Neyer also worked with the City Park Board to obtain funding and manpower to improve the adjacent park. In addition to the funding received, Neyer donated over $870,000 to Evanston Park in the form of land, design, and construction.